Aurea Miclat-Teves, PDI president, gave an inspirational message during the IP day celebration in Olongapo City last October 29, 2015 with the theme: Aytas, aborigines of Zambales are our partners in development.
Teves discussed the distinct contribution of IP communities in the socio, economic and cultural life of the Filipinos. Teves stressed the fact that to ensure development there should be IP participation in all levels of decision making but taking into consideration IP culture and identity and their right to self determination.

pdi statement: Katutubong Aetas, Kaisa sa Pag-unlad (Aytas, aborigines of Zambales, Partner in Development)

We call on all partners (LGUs, IP Organizations) to join PDI in promoting and protecting Aetas rights which are essential to our common good.
PDI urge all of the LGUs, NGOs and IP organizations to work together in full partnership to improve the Aetas lives and welfare.
There should be constructive arrangements to understand Aetas views and values essential to protecting their rights and welfare. We should understand the Aetas vision and their framework of governance for us to live in harmony.
We must ensure the participation of Aetas, including women and children in decision-making at all levels. To ensure development that takes into account culture and identity and the right to self determination.
Together, let us recognize the valuable and distinctive contribution of the Aetas. Let us celebrate the Aetas culture and unique identities. Let us work even harder to strengthen Aetas rights and support their aspirations.
We urge the government to take concrete steps to address the challenges facing the Aetas, specific to their marginalization and exclusion by recognizing and honoring their ancestral domain through the provision of ancestral domain titles and support services.
I pledge the support of PDI to cooperate with the Aetas to promote and protect IP rights. PDI call on the government to create and maintain opportunities for the Aetas to articulate their perspectives, priorities and aspirations.
Let us create a world that values the wealth of human diversity and nurture the potential it offer.
Call to Action:
We should respect the right of Aetas to their ancestral domain
We should not implement projects that are destructive to their lives and livelihoods.
We should promote and support indigenous knowledge and sustainable agricultural practices of the IPs.
Push the government to increase support to the work of IPs in sustainable agriculture.