PDI realizes that in order to build, strengthen and consolidate the capacity of the farmers, fisherfolks, women and indigenous peoples organizations to protect their basic human rights, education is a necessary cornerstone in order to provide them with necessary skills for organizational management, enterprise development, partnership and alliance building, and mobilizing, accessing and building sustainable resources.
To this end, PDI has utilized the Alternative Learning System in order to teach the indigenous peoples. The organizations has also funded scholarships throughout the country.

From 2016 to 2019, PDI has proudly helped 719 graduates from Alternative Learning Systems and scholars from Bulacan to Palawan.

Aside from scholarships, alternative learning systems and non-formal education, PDI has also empowered Indigenous Peoples, farmers and womenfolk by having them attend seminars that will increase their capacities, such as paralegal workshops and livelihood training, among other things.
These skills will ensure that the communities will continue to thrive and stand on their own.